
日期:2020-02-10 16:09:45 来源:创业首站





1. 正确佩戴防护口罩和手套;

2. 尽可能不要用手触摸头面部,尤其是眼睛

3. 乘坐公共交通尽量少触摸车上用品;

4. 和他人保持一定距离;

5. 到达目的地后尽快洗手消毒;

6. 私家车在家进行必要的消毒检查。




1) 含氯消毒液如5%浓度84消毒液

2) 含醇消毒液如75%酒精(不要用纯酒精)

3) 含表面活性剂消毒液如洗洁精

4) 含过氧化氢消毒液如新洁尔灭消毒液



1) 公共区域门把手、电梯按键、电梯内部、楼道

2) 办公室地面

3) 桌椅表面

4) 电脑键盘鼠标

5) 卫生间





1. 询问所有进入人员是否有湖北武汉相关接触史(如有立即报告并留置)

2. 检查所有进入人员体温(37.2度以上谢绝入内)

3. 登记核对所有来访人员身份信息及联系方式。



1、 办公人员保持间距1米以上,保持佩戴防护口罩,避免近距离接触。

2、 保持每2小时室内通风一次,保持空气流通。

3、 减少及避免集中会议,必要时请缩短会议时间。

4、 原则上避免集中进餐,加强餐饮区消毒,餐具必须严格消毒。

5、 接待外来人员后及时清洁接待区,及时洗手消毒。

6、 减少外出办公频次。

7、 办公区设置专门的废弃口罩收集点,定点收集定点销毁。

8、 一旦发现发热等可疑情况,不必惊慌失措,立即采取隔离措施(带至通风良好的单独房间内等待),并及时报告处置。

9、 避免高强度工作和加班,保持员工身体健康。

10、 重点关心具有基础性疾病的体弱员工(高血压糖尿病等慢性疾病、肝肾功能疾病、孕期妇女及60岁以上老人),尽量安排他们疫情期间在家休息或居家工作。





Guidelines for Avoiding the Novel Corona-virus Infection

[ Description ] The onset of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus is mainly manifested by fever, which can be combined with symptoms such as mild dry cough, fatigue, difficult breathing, diarrhea, whilst symptoms such as runny nose and sputum are rare. Some patients may have mild onset symptoms and no fever, only headache, palpitation, chest tightness, conjunctivitis, mild sore limbs or lower back muscle pain. Some patients experienced dyspnea after one week, and in severe cases, the disease can progress rapidly.

Most patients have a good prognosis, with a few patients becoming critically ill. The epidemic has been fierce, various of Incubators and Accelerators should be united, strengthen their confidence, and work through this period of time with a scientific spirit together.

GATEWAY community provides the following practical guidelines for your implementation in work.


Before Work

A. Inform

1. Wear protective masks and gloves properly;

2. Try not to touch your head and face with your hands, especially your eyes

3. When using public transportation minimize touching of supplies on board;

4. Keep a certain distance from others;

5. Wash your hands as soon as possible after reaching your destination;

6. Private cars should undergo necessary disinfection checks at home.


B. Disinfection and cleaning

1. Internal cleaning and disinfection (any one of the following)

1) Chlorine-containing disinfectant such as 5% 84 Disinfectant

2) Alcohol-containing disinfectant such as 75% alcohol (do not use pure alcohol)

3) Surfactant-containing disinfectant such as detergent

4) Disinfectant containing hydrogen peroxide such as Xinjie’ermie Disinfectant (bromogeramine disinfectant)


2. Key disinfection areas (all the following)

1) Public area door handle, elevator button, elevator interior, corridor

2) Office floor

3) Table and chair surface

4) Computer keyboard and mouse

5) Toilet


3. Do not use central air-conditioning system.

C. Inspection

1. Ask all entering personnel if they have relevant contact history in Wuhan, Hubei (if any, report immediately and retain record)

2. Check the temperature of all entering personnel (no entry if above 37.2 ℃)

3. Register and check the identity information and contact information of all visitors.


During Work

1. Keep the office staff more than 1 meter apart, and keep wearing protective masks to avoid close contact.

2. Maintain indoor ventilation once every 2 hours to maintain air circulation.

3. Reduce and avoid centralized meetings and shorten the meeting time as necessary.

4. In principle, avoid centralized meals, strengthen disinfection of dining areas, tableware must be disinfected strictly.

5. Clean the reception area in time after receiving guests, and wash and disinfect your hands in time.

6. Reduce the frequency of going out to work.

7. Set up a special collection of discarded masks in the office area, and collect and destroy them at fixed points.

8. Once you find suspicious conditions such as fever, don't being panic, take quarantine measures immediately (take them to a well-ventilated separate room and wait), and report and manage them in a timely manner.

9. Avoid high-intensity work and overtime to keep employees healthy.

10. Focus care for frail employees with basic diseases (chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, liver and kidney function diseases, pregnant women and elderly people over 60 years old), try to arrange for them to rest or work at home during the epidemic.


After Work

Please clean and disinfect the office again in time.